The Money Revolution Has Started

"Both the Digital Euro and other CBDCs (public and safe money), as well as the Stable Coins (Stablecoins) backed 100% by safe money, are very valuable alternatives to bank deposits"

5 years ago, after studying the problems of the monetary and banking system that is still in force in all the countries of the world, I published an article in El País entitled "A revolutionary money” which began like this: “A ghost haunts the monetary and financial system: the possibility of changing the current fragile money system created by private banks for safe money”.

So it was daring, an illusion or perhaps a good wish, to announce that a revolution was coming. But, five years later, many changes have taken place that justify having titled The money revolution has begun the article published by El País this Thursday.

So, in 2018, virtually all central bankers considered issuing digital public money unnecessary and even dangerous.. And yet today, more than 100 central banks are studying giving all citizens and all companies access to public digital money issued by the State through them.

We don't know how this revolution will end but both the Digital Euro and other CBDCs (public and secure money), as well as stable coins (Stablecoins) backed 100% by secure money, are very valuable alternatives to bank deposits because they do not have the serious problems of instability and lack of competition that exist now.

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The Money Revolution Has Started

About the Author

Picture of Miguel A. Fernández Ordóñez

Miguel A. Fernandez Ordonez

State economist. Former Governor of the Bank of Spain and member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB). He currently teaches Seminars on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation at IEUniversity.

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